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RECENTLY DECEASED – Brian Angus, David “Hughie” Spark, Alan Johnston, Robert (Bob) Cunningham

RECENTLY DECEASED – Brian Angus, David “Hughie” Spark, Alan Johnston, Robert (Bob) Cunningham

With great sadness and remembrance of our Mateship with the passing of:

Brian Angus, veteran of Korea and Malaya, and Life Member of the Association recently passed away to the Big Gunpark in early May 2024. Brian had been living South of Freemantle WA.

David “Hughie” Spark, a twice Life Member of the Association and Battery Guide (BG) in Vietnam 2nd Tour, passed to the Big Gunpark on 23 June 2024. He had been living in Mildura Vic.

Alan Johnston, a Life Member and 2nd tour Vietnam mate who had been living at Ballina, passed to the big Gun Park on 28th June 2024. Alan was an FO Sig in the D Coy 5RAR FO Party in Vietnam 1969-70 where he was wounded in a mine incident at Dat Do.

Robert (Bob) Cunningham served with the battery in 1960 and ’65. He was a stalwart of the A Battery Association and together with the Late Don Sinclair, restores the 25PR and L5 Parade Guns along with other guns.

Rest-in-Peace Brian, Hughie, Alan and Bob.


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