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ACTION! ACTION! ACTION! book available now

The new book on a short history of the Royal Australian Artillery, Action! Action! Action! is available now. It is co-Authored by our Association Vice President and Tiger Rag Editor, Paul Stevens and former CO 1st Regiment RA Nicholas Floyd. Click on Books and References for information and purchase.

NOTICE – 1st tour Vietnam 105 Field Battery Members


The Australian Government Department of Defence, Honours and Awards has advised that the previously issued Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm Unit Citation is incorrect as the Palm leaf should be Bronze, not Gold.

1st Tour 105th Field Battery RAA members who received the CGWP citation with the gold palm, wishing to exchange their citation for the bronze palm citation should return their existing citation for replacement.

Ensure full name, service number, address and contact details are included with the returned device.

The mailing address is:
Directorate of Honours and Awards
Exchange Citations
PO BOX 7952
Canberra BC ACT 2610

RECENTLY DECEASED – Brian Angus, David “Hughie” Spark, Alan Johnston, Robert (Bob) Cunningham

With great sadness and remembrance of our Mateship with the passing of:

Brian Angus, veteran of Korea and Malaya, and Life Member of the Association recently passed away to the Big Gunpark in early May 2024. Brian had been living South of Freemantle WA.

David “Hughie” Spark, a twice Life Member of the Association and Battery Guide (BG) in Vietnam 2nd Tour, passed to the Big Gunpark on 23 June 2024. He had been living in Mildura Vic.

Alan Johnston, a Life Member and 2nd tour Vietnam mate who had been living at Ballina, passed to the big Gun Park on 28th June 2024. Alan was an FO Sig in the D Coy 5RAR FO Party in Vietnam 1969-70 where he was wounded in a mine incident at Dat Do.

Robert (Bob) Cunningham served with the battery in 1960 and ’65. He was a stalwart of the A Battery Association and together with the Late Don Sinclair, restores the 25PR and L5 Parade Guns along with other guns.

Rest-in-Peace Brian, Hughie, Alan and Bob.

NOTICE – 2nd Tour Vietnam 105 Field Battery Members – CGWP Unit Citation Eligibility

ELIGIBILITY FOR AWARD OF the Republic of Vietnam Cross of Galantry with Palm Unit Citation

All members of 105th Field Battery (a sub-unit of 1st Field Regiment RAA) who served in Vietnam from 25th February 1969 to 10th May 1970 are expected to be eligible for the award of the CGWP Unit Citation.

Go to the EVENTS Page to obtain details

2023 Reunion Photos

The 2023 Reunion Conference and AGM was at Tweed Heads 5-7 October 2023.  Images are in the Gallery.

This Reunion AGM resolved to cancel the  incorporation status of the Association wef 31 July 2024; but to continue the association as an unincorporated body.  Further details in Tiger Rag Issue TR61 published January 2024.  Any future planned reunions will be notified by email to members who have registered their email address.  Please contact the Secretary for further information, contact link is on the Home Page.


Tiger Rag Ed 63 (TR63) contributions Open

Tiger Rag edition 62 (TR62) contributions are CLOSED. This is the last printed format of the Tiger Rag Newsletter.  TR63 and beyond editions will be circulated by email in a electronic (PDF) file, and published on this website.

Please make sure the Secretary has your current email address.

Tiger Rag electronic Edition 63 (TRe63) is now open. Contributions of information, articles, stories, images, nostalgia, or other material of interest to gunners and former gunners should be sent to the TR Editor

Should you have any queries regarding this notice, please contact the Secretary